But please don’t register if you aren’t able or willing to be fully present during the experience.
Secure your spot
Immerse in the
Begin your next month
with momentum
The month ahead is coming, whether you plan for it or not. At the end of the month you'll have either lived by default following what's urgent or lived by design following what matters most right now.
When is the last time you…
to connect with your Current Contextual Purpose?
your most important priority to direct your focus?
your most essential actions for the weeks ahead?
said 'no'
to the okay, but off-mission, actions on your list?
When is the last time you started a month with new energy and focus (by design) rather than a carried-over to-do list (by default)?
But please don’t register if you aren’t able or willing to be fully present during the experience.
In the YOUR MONTH BY DESIGN live experience, you’ll answer this core question:
What will this month be about?
and then design your priorities, actions and time to support your unique answer.
This is a live, interactive session where you’ll be guided through an experiential process to identify, clarify and action your most important priority.
You’ll use proven frameworks to capture the future you’re aiming for, leverage your strengths, plan key actions, and set boundaries.
Leveraging the power of ‘single-steps’ and ‘1% daily improvements’ you’ll be ready to take your first action right in session!
There’s no replay. This is not a webinar. It’s a live, interactive opportunity for you to connect with like-minded others and design your next 30 days!
But please don’t register if you aren’t able or willing to be fully present during the experience.
Meet Your Guide
Gerrett Archambault
Founder of Conscious Action Academy, creator of Co-Generative Transformation (TM), I’ve been guiding teams and leaders in organizations to define and create their future possibilities for over 25 years.
Having consulted (over 23 business transformations), coached (over 115 change leaders) and facilitated (over 21,000 hours), I’m now creating a space where you can explore, define and prioritize the future you most want to create.
(And yes, that’s the home office – inspiration space and library – I designed and have been working from virtually with clients since 2014.
But please don’t register if you aren’t able or willing to be fully present during the experience.
Stop waiting. Generate the clarity to act when you join
Your Month By Design
A FREE, 90-minute experiential workshop
This LIVE experience runs near the beginning of each month. Register for one, or more, upcoming events!
NOTE: We verify all new email subscriptions automatically. Any fake, disposable, or invalid emails will be flagged, then deleted.
We care about keeping our email list very clean. We will NEVER spam, sell, or rent your emails. You can unsubscribe at any time (and your email will be permanently deleted). So please feel safe to use your primary email address.