Get Clear on what you want to design the systems that you need.
Use the Frameworks
Unlock Your Thinking
Activate Community
Generate Real Change
Right now, your clients are headed for their Default Future – the future they’ll end up with if nothing changes.
They hired you to change that
But, as we all know, they resist creating that future – even when they want it – and the methods most of us have grown-up with are suspect; heavily control oriented and unreliable for generating real change. When you look at all the common knowledge there’s very little to differentiate change that works from change that fails.
And you might be stuck…
Following the ‘common knowledge’ about organizational change even when it may or may not help.
Knowing the solution has ‘something to do with people’ but not sure what to do with that.
And wondering why even when people seem to ‘get it’ they keep doing the same old things?
And as clients struggle to generate real change, they look for ways to apply ever greater external pressure and control, rather than activating internal energy.
But the real problem is in the thinking – that accountability comes from external forces rather than internal choices.
The best way to create change?
Activateindividuals within community
sets the culture and context within which change occurs while
bring capabilities that define what’s possible within the community
The Community sets context for individuals, but doesn’t exist without them, so we can’t prioritize one over the other. We must leverage principles, premises and practices that activate individual capabilities within community in a Co-Generative Loop.
The Consulting Mastery Series
Books to Activate your Co-Generative Leadership.
Generate Change in Community from the Inside-Out
That’s called Co-Generative Transformation(TM).
And the people who do this work are called Co-Generative Consultants, Coaches and Leaders. We operate at a particular intersection to guide personal transformation and community change through insights, and activation.
While regular consultants bring knowledge and methods to projects, they often lack a reliable way to activate agency and ownership throughout client the organizational community – many don’t even know they need to. And, when agency and safety are lacking, external forces become the go-to option – a poor substitute for internal choices!
Coaches work to activate their clients at an individual level supporting their personal transformation through choice recognition and growing agency, but few take this to the community level required for organizational change – lacking a framework to do this.
But change is an inside-out process that works best in active community, even when it’s an individual on a personal journey of transformation. And community change always ripples out from the individual journeys.
Me in 20 Seconds:
I’m an avid reader (thirty to sixty books a year), learner, and idea explorer going deep into psychology, behaviour, habits, teams, systems, and how people change – which I synthesized with 27 years coaching and consulting to develop Co-Generative Transformation (TM).
I’ve consulted (and coached leaders) with large corporations and government since 1997, coached athletics (youth and adult) since 1994, trained five dogs, and competed in dog agility national championships three times between (2006–2018).
Born in British Columbia, currently living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada with my wife Jess, two boys (Isaac and Zachary) and two dogs (Luna and Flurry). Here’s a bit about my consulting background.
21,000+ hours of group session facilitation
115+ leaders advised and coached
850+ team members assisted across…
23+ business transformation projects