Consulting Mastery Mindsets

8 Mindset Shifts

To Expand, Focus and Activate the Future Now.

Includes Complete Digital Content: eBook, Online Edition, Audiobook, Videos, Digital bonuses.
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Generate the Bigger Future

Expanding the Future takes more than 
Goals, Plans and Meetings

While clients hire you to help them deliver a project, their real goal – a Bigger Future – extends beyond the implementation. And, while implementing projects is hard, creating a bigger future, which always depends on a culture-shift, is even harder when clients:

Photo of a woman from behind while she looks out a window at a city, unsure what she should do.

Have only a one-dimension, surface-level vision for the future they’re trying to create. 

Image of a man with a headache looking at his laptop while his team keep giving him things to look at.

Lack practices and mindsets to make consistent, on-mission progress so they continually work against their own goals.

Photo quality render of a marionette sitting in an office chair working on a keyboard while being manipulated by a puppeteer.

Resort to archaic managerial approaches, in particular when teams struggle.

Discover how to solve these, and more, when you get Consulting Mastery Mindsets.

Includes Complete Digital Content: eBook, Online Edition, Audiobook, Videos, Digital bonuses.
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Modern, community-driven change requires more than outdated, mechanistic strategies and methods.
“Consulting Mastery Mindsets” offers a perspective and mindset shift to not only advise or coach clients through change but to Co-Generate and Lead change with them. This book is your guide to start the shift from a prescriptive, methods-based consultant to an adaptive Co-Generative Consultant (TM).
Consulting Mastery Mindsets  invites consultants and business coaches to explore the intersection between advice and activation, community and individuals leveraging a principles and systems-based approach grounded in mindsets and practices conducive to change, at scale, in communities.
At the same time, consultants themselves must shift from the traditional ‘advisor’ into a community building, activation-oriented Co-Generative Leader (TM).
The one-size-fits-all approach to change no longer works. Maybe it never did.
Instead, we must shift into a framework for change that activates people in community as generators for the change they most want to create.

Includes Complete Digital Content: eBook, Online Edition, Audiobook, Videos, Digital bonuses.
Learn how pricing works.

8 Chapters; One Framework to

Guide your clients, and yourself, into the future you most want to create by…

Illustration of a team of people sitting around a table in an office working together to create with a 3d digital energy lightbulb and icons floating up from the table.

Expanding Future:

Results | Experiences | Capabilities

Woman focused, looking at her computer and thinking.

Focusing Present:

Trajectory | Effort | Outputs

Two women working together in the office to create their desired future.


Community | Wisdom | Adaptability

Chapter 1: Expand Possibility
New possibilities are what change is for.
Absent change, the best anyone can hope for is more of the same - a default future that happens when you don't choose something different. And, while clients don't want a project, or change, they do want different or new result and a different or new experience for generating their most important results.
Chapter 1: Expand Possibility
Chapter 2: Expand Capability
Absent growth, people can only repeat what they already know.
Unlocking new possibilities requires new capabilities. There are two types - the capabilities the future demands and the capabilities required to create that future.
Chapter 2: Expand Capability
Chapter 3: Focus Trajectory
There's an endless supply of peripheral work.
To make change work, clients must fully engage in the most important mission and avoid the peripheral activities competing for their attention and stealing their effort. As Co-Generative Consultants(TM) we must help them orient to their primary, on-mission work.
Chapter 3: Focus Trajectory
Chapter 4: Focus Outputs
Busywork is rarely meaningful work.
To make change work, clients must fully engage in the most important mission and avoid the peripheral activities competing for their attention and stealing their effort. As Co-Generative Consultants(TM) we must help them orient to their primary, on-mission work.
Chapter 4: Focus Outputs
Chapter 5: Activate Community
Organizations are communities and communities drive change.
Help your clients align and activate their community to generate the future they envision. Move beyond implementation into adoption and ownership by activating the community to Co-Generate their own future.
Chapter 5: Activate Community
Chapter 6: Activate Wisdom
People rarely argue with their own wisdom.
Everyone has inner wisdom. Most have forgotten how to access it. When ideas lack cohesion, it's impossible to transform them into something greater or use them to generate progress. You can help clients tap into their latent wisdom and bring cohesion to their ideas.
Chapter 6: Activate Wisdom
Chapter 7: Activate Adaptability
The plan is not the project and change is not the goal.
From the moment you begin pursuing a goal, obstacles arise. From the moment your client embarks on change, there are barriers. We can't avoid the obstacles and barriers. Instead, we must integrate them into our work. Flexibility and resilience are how you make progress.
Chapter 7: Activate Adaptability
Chapter 8: Shift Perspectives and Systems
When we want new results, we need new systems.
All results come from the systems we use. To generate something new, we must help our clients shift perspectives in the community, and the systems they use. To do this Co-Generative Consultants(TM) make the first shift - from using prescriptive methods, to robust adaptive, systems-based principles for how people, community and change really work.
Chapter 8: Shift Perspectives and Systems

Includes Complete Digital Content: eBook, Online Edition, Audiobook, Videos, Digital bonuses.
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When you buy Consulting Mastery Mindsets, The Complete Content, you get all the digital formats included:

And you never pay for the content in this book again. This means you get any future digital updates free.

How the pricing works

The Consulting Mastery Series is only available here. Here’s how it works.

The content (words and illustrations) are separate from the format of delivery (paper, audio, ebook, etc.).

You only pay for the content once.

  • The content for each book is $18 (USD).
  • All digital formats are included free with the content.
  • Want the ebook? $18 included with the content.
  • Want the audiobook? $18 included with the content.


Physical copies are not yet available. When they are, here’s how they’ll work:

  • They’ll only be available for people who have already purchased the content ($18).
  • Then, add on as many physical copies as you want for yourself or others (keep in mind that to access the audiobook, videos and other bonus content they would need to buy the content).
  • You’ll pay the break-even cost plus shipping.

Consulting Mastery Mindsets
Complete Digital Content

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